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So, again, I have failed to keep up to date with this blog. I'm not sure why because writing is so therapeutic. But this being Earth Day and all, it reminded me that I still have this outlet to share all my accomplishments, failures and just rants and raves. It's also become a sort of tradition that I post something every Earth Day, since I started this blog on Earth Day a few years back.
So, what the heck am I doing to contribute to saving this planet of ours? Well, I still recycle as often as possible, although it is getting tougher to find the time to make the drive to the recycling center. I also bought a water bottle that I'm using everyday:Not sure if you can tell in that picture, but I dropped it and now there's a dent on the bottom. That sucks, but I'm still doing my best to not use plastic bottles of water. I'm also still bringing my own bags to the grocery store, but I have to tell you that I'm not as good as this as I once was. Nowadays a trip to the grocery store for me is on a whim. I eat out entirely too much and if I start to think about the amount of money I could save by just cooking myself, I might cry. But I digress, all my grocery store trips are never planned and if I'm passing a Ralphs or something I'll decide to stop and do a grocery run. It usually ends up being some sort of steak, chips, yogurt and a pack of beer for the house. I usually end up not using my bags because they're not in my car. I know, I know, just keep them in my car, but it's haaaard to remember. At least I'm making an effort.
Anyway, I can still do more things to help the planet and my next thing is to purchase Smart Power Strips. Did you know that even when our electronics are off they are still sucking 10% of energy? Well, these "smart" strips turns that off which turns into money in your pocket by way of savings on your electric bill. They are a bit pricier than traditional power strips, but it'll pay for itself in no time.
Well, that's all I got in me for today. Not sure anyone reads this anymore, but if you do, let me know how you're contributing to saving our planet. Until next time, take care!
IKED Entertainment's First Commercial
Posted by Ike D | 2:57 PM | commercial, crazy woman water, iked entertainment | 0 comments »So, here's the first commercial that we've produced that will actually air on TV here regionally in LA. I produced through the company I work for, AffinityTV247 and Sherrie and I directed. I had a blast working on this and couldn't have asked for a better crew. A big shout out to my boy and 1st AD on this project, Evan Robichaud, he really came through. Without further ado, here's the commercial:
And a look Behind the Scenes:
So they're revamping the cartoon I found so hilarious in jr. high. Here's a clip that played at Comic Con this year and I have to say I chuckled a couple of times. I love that they're commenting on the horrible TV shows MTV has, like Jersey Shore.
Get More: Beavis and Butt-Head, MTV Shows