So I don't have to tell you guys that gas is ridiculously expensive (wait, I just did), but it's insane! I put gas in for $4.57/gallon last night! So....I decided that I'm going to take the bus to work a couple of days out of the week to relieve some of the pain at the pump. Today was the first day...
First thing that I had to do different was get up a whole hour earlier. For those of you that know my sleeping habits, this is no small feat. I actually got up with minimal struggle and once you're up and're pretty much up. I was even able to have a bowl of Pops ("I gotta have my Pops", remember that, when the goofy kid realizes there are no more Pops and he has a whole internal monologue cursing the person that ate the last of the Pops? If not, I have embedded the video below).
So I get to the bus stop and am about 15 min early and the only one there. Finally a lady showed up and I was going to ask her if she knew exactly how much the fare was, but she was giving me "the eye" so I backed off. The Commuter Express 573 finally showed up and I was on my way to work.
It was kind of cool to be on the freeway and pass all those cars while flying (now anything over 40 mph on the freeway during rush hour in LA qualifies as "flying") down the carpool lane. I just put on my iPod and enabled the "shuffle" feature and I was good. 54 minutes later I arrived at my transfer destination. After a short walk to the next stop I was able to chill for about 10 min while my next bus arrived. I then jumped on the Culver City Bus, threw my iPod on again and 42 min later I was at work; 5 min early.
All in all a pretty decent experience. Totals: Fare - $2.00, Time - 96 min, Driving Cost Saved - $13.62 (based on AAA's formula at 54.1 cents/mile).
Now let's see how the ride back is...
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