Chapter 10
No answer.
Now Jay's getting frustrated, this is so out of character for Garrett, he's not supposed to get sprung. They have a job to do and Garrett's messing around getting his rock's off and was now messing with Jay's money. I want some ass too, thought Jay, but I'm committed to this job!
Bam! Bam!
Jay knocks again and this time Veronica answers. She didn't even try to hide the fact that she just jumped off Garrett's piece, thought Jay; then he vocalized it, "You don't even try to hide the fact you just worked my boy's piece, do you? What if I was your landlord?" Jay closed the door behind him. The place reeked of sex.
"I saw you through the peephole, dick."
All Veronica wore was a man's shirt, not Garrett's. Whatever, it's not like she was an angel or anything, plus she was wearing a thong and her ass cheeks peeked out from under the shirt.
"Stop looking at my ass, perv."
"But it's so nice," declared Jay.
"Isn't it though?" asked Garrett as he came from the bathroom. He walks up behind Veronica puts his arms around her and hugs her from behind. Veronica grabs Garrett's hands and interlocks her fingers with his.
Jay just stares at them. "What is this shit?" Jay points to their interlocked hands.
"Jealous?" ask Garrett and Veronica simultaneously and then they both laugh.
Jay isn't amused, "We have shit to take care of, let's roll, G."
"He's right, I'll hit you up tomorrow afternoon," Garrett tells Veronica.
No answer.
Now Jay's getting frustrated, this is so out of character for Garrett, he's not supposed to get sprung. They have a job to do and Garrett's messing around getting his rock's off and was now messing with Jay's money. I want some ass too, thought Jay, but I'm committed to this job!
Bam! Bam!
Jay knocks again and this time Veronica answers. She didn't even try to hide the fact that she just jumped off Garrett's piece, thought Jay; then he vocalized it, "You don't even try to hide the fact you just worked my boy's piece, do you? What if I was your landlord?" Jay closed the door behind him. The place reeked of sex.
"I saw you through the peephole, dick."
All Veronica wore was a man's shirt, not Garrett's. Whatever, it's not like she was an angel or anything, plus she was wearing a thong and her ass cheeks peeked out from under the shirt.
"Stop looking at my ass, perv."
"But it's so nice," declared Jay.
"Isn't it though?" asked Garrett as he came from the bathroom. He walks up behind Veronica puts his arms around her and hugs her from behind. Veronica grabs Garrett's hands and interlocks her fingers with his.
Jay just stares at them. "What is this shit?" Jay points to their interlocked hands.
"Jealous?" ask Garrett and Veronica simultaneously and then they both laugh.
Jay isn't amused, "We have shit to take care of, let's roll, G."
"He's right, I'll hit you up tomorrow afternoon," Garrett tells Veronica.
The drive down south was always the same for Garrett, boring and uneventful. Jay was one of those guys that needed to concentrate on the road when he drove. The sound of the road was lulling Garrett to sleep, but he knew that if he fell asleep, it would make Jay sleepy and they needed to be on their game tonight. Garrett noticed that Jay was looking in his rearview more often than usual. "What's wrong?" asked Garrett.
"I'm probably paranoid because of what happened earlier with El Chulo, but I think we're being tailed."
Garrett flips his sun visor down and looks out the back window through the mirror's reflection. There was a black Escalade behind them, but Garrett wasn't sure if it was following them. "Pull off on the next exit."
Jay signaled and pulled off onto Cristianitos Rd, they were only a couple of exits from the weigh station and about halfway to San Diego. Jay made his way to the OC Tavern and pulled into the lot. Garrett remembered on one drive down to San Diego he and Jay stopped at the OC Tavern to check it out and they both ended up getting laid by a couple of hot chicks. It was definetly good times and ever since then, they try and make a stop there, either on their way to San Diego or back up to LA, but this stop wasn't planned. Garrett looked in the passenger side view mirror and the Escalade had disappeared.
Jay parked his truck and looked at Garrett, "Maybe I was just being paranoid."
"Maybe," said Garrett, but he wasn't convinced. "Let's get back on the road."
"But it's 'the tavern', man and we're already here," pleaded Jay.
"Business first."
Jay just thought how hypocritical of Garrett is was to say that, yeah, it's easy once you've already been laid today, but I had to leave before I got some action. Jay kept his thoughts to himself and just pulled back on the 5 South.
After a few minutes Jay noticed the same Escalade behind them again. "Boss, they're back."
Garrett looked and sure enough the Escalade was back and closing in pretty fast. All of a sudden, BAM! the Escalade hits Jay's truck from behind.
"What the fuck!?" exclaims Jay. He presses down on the gas to get some seperation from his truck and the Escalade. The Escalade swoops around to Jay's side, but the windows are tinted and Garrett can't make out who could possibly be messing with them. Slowly the passenger side window of the Escalade rolls down and Garrett gets ready to see these assholes' faces, but they have masks on. Ain't that about a bitch? The guy in the passenger side signals to Jay to pull over. Jay looks at Garrett.
"We don't stop for anybody, lose them," Garrett tells Jay.
It never ceases to amaze Jay how calm Garrett stays in adverse situations; that's why he's the boss. There weren't many cars on the road so it was going to be tricky losing these guys without exiting and putting innocent people in danger. Jay pulled into the slow lane and floored it, but the Escalade kept up with him, no problem. This was going to be tough and require Jay to do some manuevering.
Garrett just kept his eyes on the side view mirror and the Escalade. He noticed the passenger was moving towards the window and suddenly half of his body was hanging out of the SUV. This can't be good, thought Garrett and just as he thought it, a gun appeared in the guy's right hand.
"Jay, move!"
But Jay's foot is already to the floor and he can't go any faster.
"Did they just shoot at us!?" screams Jay.
"Look, swerve in and out of lanes and don't give them a steady target to shoot at. We're lucky this guy's a bad shot," says Garrett. Just then Garrett undoes his seat belt and climbs into the back seat. He goes into this bag and produces a 9MM Glock G17 and rolls the back driver side window down
"Are you insane? Since when do you carry a gun?"
More shots from the Escalade and the second one took out Jay's passenger side mirror.
"No time to explain right now," said Garrett as he leaned out of the window, facing the Escalade.
The shots Garrett fired hurt Jay's ears, but he had to keep driving and concentrating. They were coming up on the 805/5 exchange and would be at the border soon. They needed to lose these guys now.
"Got 'em!" said Garrett as he leaned back into the truck.
"You shot one of them?" asked Jay.
"No, I blew out one of their tires."
Jay looked in his side view mirror and sure enough a shower of sparks was spraying from the front driver side wheel. Jay was creating a little more seperation now, but the Escalade wouldn't quit.
Two more shots came from the Escalade and one of them broke through the back window of Jay's truck and out the front. Jay just stared at the bullet hole in his windshield and then snapped back to reality, "Are you okay!?"
"Yeah, I'm good. Give me a steady couple of seconds so I can take out the other tire and we'll lose these clowns for good."
Jay gripped so tight that his fingers were leaving an imprint on the leather wrapped steering wheel. He held the truck as steady as possible while Garrett leaned out of the window. Two shots fired off, one from Garrett and one from the Escalade. Jay looked in his mirror and saw that Garrett had taken out the other front tire and even more sparks were flying. The Escalade started to lose control and finally slowed down and pulled over. It was over as fast as it had begun it seemed.
Garrett pulled himself back into the truck.
"Nice shot, man!" Jay gave Garrett a pat on the back and Garrett pulled away.
"Damn it!" yelled Garrett.
Jay looked back at Garrett and saw that he had been hit in the shoulder. "Dude, we need to get you to a hospital, quick!"
"No, we keep going, it's only a flesh wound. Hurts like a bitch though!"

Jay looked up and saw the big red "Mexico" lettering.
pictures, nice touch.