What up peeps and by "peeps" I mean that disgusting little marshmallow snack, not that you guys are disgusting it's just that...*sigh*...nevermind! Happy Earth Day to everyone and I hope we're all doing our best to be green. We should probably make The Incredible Hulk the official Earth Day mascot, but Marvel would probably charge the Earth a boatload in licensing fees, but if anything could afford it, it's Earth! As I was driving in to the parking structure at work this a.m. I was greeted by a woman giving out energy saving bulbs. Since I just bought a whole bunch of them, I don't really need it, but I might give it away as a gift and hopefully inspire someone to go green, that's what I do people, I inspire...and perspire (but usually only during a workout of some sort). I will tell you that I have noticed a drop in my energy bill since changing the bulbs in my apartment and that's always good, but what's with the design of the bulb? Do they have to look like a pig's tail? I'm even shopping more at Trader Joe's and bring my own bag. I will admit that I feel a little gay carrying around my own bag throughout the grocery store, but it's totally worth it to save a tree from being cut down. I'm doing my part as best I can.
As I was preparing my lunch this morning I decided to cut my turkey sandwich diagonally, resulting in 2 triangle halves. I'm not sure why I did this, but it felt good. Then when I was eating said turkey sandwich, I found myself tricked in to thinking I had more food...like 2 sandwiches instead of 1, no not really, deep down inside I knew it was only 1 sandwich.
So there it is, my first blog...it wasn't as bad as I anticipated, it was actually kind of fun. I hope you guys (if anyone is actually reading this) check back periodically and read what's going on with me. Also, any comments are greatly appreciated (only nice ones, I'm sensitive...jk...seriously). Until next time...Seacrest out!
First Blog/Earth Day
Posted by Ike D | 3:51 PM | blog, day, earth, first, ike, joes, trader | 5 comments »
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As most of you know I live with a Tree hugger. I also believe in saving energy, but I don't use the energy saving light bulb. The design is just ugly! I can say lets try not to use styrofoam.
Is it true that the "blog" is the new diary? If so, you may add that tidbit to your biodegradable shopping bag! I kid, please don't mention in your next blog that I used to write sad, self-loathing "lyrics" in my "journal" when I was teenager because that would make me some kind of a hypocrite. Thanks buddy!
Well congrat!! How was your first time? Encouraging, fun, exciting, are you looking forward to the next time. Trust me it gets better the more times you do it.....wait, what??!?!Anyways, nice blog about Earth day, and it's good to hear that you are doing your part. I too am doing my part, all except for bringing in my own grocery bag(by the way, that is gay,j/k)j/k But on the other hand, I too cut my sandwhich into triangles-IT'S FUN!!lol Hope to hear from you more, and see you soon.Jascha
That had me laughing out loud...I could hear you nararating it. I know what you mean about the bring your own bag thing...my boyfriend won't do it and it pisses me off that he comes home w/ a bunch of bags that just sit under my sink taking up space. I think I have canvas bags from just about every grocery store...haha! I miss you, Ass! Take care.
Well, this is good Kid. You know, I always feel guilty about the plastic shopping bags, but the grocery bags are just too small. I will go looking for one of those little carts with wheels (I saw those in Spain)and buy one.
BTW: This blog thing is not new... We (my sisters)have been using it for a while now. It's actually called E-venting. I really like the feedback one can get from them. Keep it up!