Yes, in honor of my birthday (which was yesterday) I am talking about procrastination. This is something I'm very good at. I've been doing this since before I was born, literally. My original due date was April 19th (ironically my little bro's birthday), but little Ike fetus said, "Nah, I'll wait..." and that's just what I did. I didn't end up on Earth until May 12th. Yes people, my mother carried me for nearly 9 months! This is what I blame my habitual tardiness on...nature. Now the title of this post is hardly original, but I never claimed it was. I just like it, I'm a "pro" at "crastinating". Get it? (The crickets are deafening) It's cool, don't laugh, but you should have at least given me a pity birthday laugh. "But your birthday was yesterday, clown!" Okay, #1 Calling me a "clown" is totally uncalled for and B. Let me have my moment!

Then Tim, Jack (one of Tim's bandmates) and I headed out to The Griddle Cafe where the wait was 45 min (totally worth it IMO). Tim was starving and didn't want to wait so we walked down about 2 blocks on Sunset Blvd in Hollywood and decided on Cheebo, but after seeing that they charge $4.75 for a glass of O.J. we hiked back to Griddle Cafe and had a delicious breakfast. Hang with me people, there's a point to me telling you this. So after breakfast we go back and finish recording at the studio and after our goodbyes Tim and Jack went back to SD and I went home.
I got back home and I saw Sherrie and how does she greet me? A kiss, a hug, maybe a "hi"? Nope, she says, "You went out in the world dressed like that?" I looked down at my ensemble and saw nothing wrong with it (and to this day still see nothing wrong with it). I answered, "What's wrong?" "It's a collared shirt with gym shorts!" "So?" "You're not allowed to dress yourself anymore". Now, in my defense, I was tired from lack of sleep and I was going to be in a studio all day shooting and wanted to be comfortable. I also never claimed to be a fashionista, but I guess I can't dress myself anymore.
Which brings us full circle to the title of this post. I'm a lazy person by nature anyway so it kind of works out...I don't have to dress myself anymore! Just so we're clear, I'm not boasting about the fact that I'm a PRO at crastinating, but I've learned to live with should you.
Take care of yourselves and eachother.
Love the last sentence lmao.
PROcrastination... there must be a gene for this because if anything I passed it on to you. But, there is something about doing things at the last minute that makes the end result so sweet. I might have traumatized you kids with my procratinating (sorry); I'm sure you can still name some things you are still waiting for and are probably still on my "To Do" list.
Your birthday was a very special day. Not usual or ordinary at all. Always remember that.
I think we are all guilty of being procrastinators...not that it's a bad thing. Remember that paper we had to write for Mrs Terry and Mr Collins...well I wrote that in 1 night @ Tiffs house and got an A. I was pretty proud of that paper...though I couldn't tell you what the hell it was about. =) I am glad that you had a great birthday and that Tim is in a band. I always knew he would be and that he would be GREAT! Tim if you read this. HI! Hope all is well.
Take care,
First and Foremost...CONGRATS!
As for PROCRASTINATION, you will get NO grief from me, being that I am the QUEEN of procrastinating.
Case and Point, I have no clue as to what the maid of honor and bridesmaids are wearing and the wedding is July 5th :)
See Ya Soon,