So it's been exactly one whole year since I started blogging and have grown from 0 followers to a baker's dozen (one of you hasn't signed up yet, you know who you are). Also, Earth Day is today and I encourage all of you to do your part. I have now switched almost all my bulbs to energy saving bulbs and still bring my own bag to Trader Joe's. I hope to invest in a hybrid vehicle as well, but we'll wait and see.

How are you all doing your part? Leave me a comment, I'm interested.

Also, thank you so much for supporting The Court Chronicles and log on for the newest chapter this Friday!

*Please forgive this post for being so short, but typing on a Blackberry can get uncomfortable fast and I'm waiting on my shrimp at Red Lobster :-)


  1. Anonymous // April 22, 2009 at 2:04 PM  

    BlackBerry's are the bessst. :]
    && the blog novella is DOPE;;

  2. Ike D // April 22, 2009 at 6:44 PM  

    Thanks for the support, Denise and yes Blackberry's rule...especially BBM!

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